A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating the hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible

A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating the hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible
for removing the team member? (Choose the best answer.)
A. The hiring manager is responsible, because he/she hired the developer.
B. The Scrum Manager is responsible, because he/she removes Impediments.
C. The Development Team is responsible, and may need help from the Scrum Master.
D. The Product Owner is responsible, because he/she controls the return on investment (ROI).

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20 thoughts on “A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Development Team members and creating the hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible

  1. How should a Scrum Team deal with non-functional requirements?
    (Choose the best answer)
    A. Ensure every increment meets them.
    B. Assign them to the lead developers on the team.
    C. Make sure the release department understands these requirements, but it is not the Scrum Team’s responsibility.
    D. Manage them during the Integration Sprint prior to the Release Sprint

  2. Another example. Suppose a Development Team is dealing with two members that can’t stand each other. Instead of talking about the problem themselves, it is delegated to the Scrum Master to resolve. The actual impediment here is the inability of the team to deal with their own conflicts. Perhaps there is no psychological safety within the Development Team to talk about it. Or people don’t know how to bring up conflicts or lack the courage to do so. By solving only the problem, the Scrum Master does not help the Development Team to improve their ability to solve similar problems on their own.

    Instead, the Scrum Master could facilitate a session where frustrations are aired and where the team mediates solutions (instead of being handed one). The Scrum Master can model the kind of behavior needed for conflict resolution, like asking open-ended questions, showing empathy and finding common ground, and invite members of the team to do the same.

    1. Not A, D and because there is no Scrum manager also not B!
      There is standing (Choose the best answer.) So then it must be: C The team needs help of the ScrumMaster

  3. Am don’t agree that C is correct. And i am trying to explain
    – because of the principe of “Sefl organized” teams we have the intention to choose C as an answer.

    But let us see the situation from another angle of view :
    1- a team memeber who is creating the hostile environment is an inpediment for the development team : OK
    2- teams development are self-organised.
    3- Il they want to remove the memeber , him itself has to approve that i guess
    4- Does this memeber will agree with such a decision (to remove himself)?? : I dont think , he will see himself as normal and not disturbing
    5- So others members will report to “scrum manager” ( there is no role like this, but i sound like to say scrum master”
    6- Among his responsibilities the scrum master have to remove impediments.
    7- He will remove the memeber
    8- Answer B is the appropriate one

    1. Great break down of events. However, even in your example, it is really the development team who is acting like they are responsible and then seeking help from the scrum master.

      Another thing I came across: people are never impediments in scrum. Dynamics between people might be impediments, but never people.

      Lastly, question says Scrum Manager which is not a role.

  4. This is not an impediment. Impediments are the ones that block the continuity of workflow or deliverables. Its not a show stopper, but a gap in resources and should be managed and sorted out by the development team.

  5. Dev team is self organised so they are the responsible and may have help from scrum master . Answer C

  6. Correct answer is c. Firstable the DevTeamtry to handle Impediments in the Team. It may ask the SM for help.

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