A user has created a launch configuration for Auto Scaling where CloudWatch detailed monitoring is disabled. The user wants to now enable detailed monitoring. How can the user achieve this? A. Update the Launch config with CLI to set InstanceMonitoringDisabled…

A user has deployed an application on an EBS backed EC2 instance. For a better performance of application, it requires dedicated EC2 to EBS traffic. How can the user achieve this? A. Launch the EC2 instance as EBS dedicated with…

A user has launched a Windows based EC2 instance. However, the instance has some issues and the user wants to check the log. When the user checks the Instance console output from the AWS console, what will it display? A.…

A user has launched an EC2 Windows instance from an instance store backed AMI. The user wants to convert the AMI to an EBS backed AMI. How can the user convert it? A. Attach an EBS volume to the instance…

A sysadmin has created the below mentioned policy on an S3 bucket named cloudacademy. The bucket has both AWS.jpg and index.html objects. What does this policy define? "Statement": [{ "Sid": "Stmt1388811069831", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*"}, "Action": [ "s3:GetObjectAcl",…