How is policy services node redundancy achieved in a deployment?

How is policy services node redundancy achieved in a deployment?
A. by creating a node group
B. by deploying both primary and secondary node
C. by enabling VIP
D. by utilizing RADIUS server list on the NAD


4 thoughts on “How is policy services node redundancy achieved in a deployment?

  1. A is correct.
    Number of Nodes in a Policy Service Node Group
    The number of nodes that you can have in a node group depends on your deployment requirements. Node groups ensure that node failures are detected and that a peer issues a CoA for sessions that are authorized, but not yet postured. The size of the node group does not have to be very large.

    If the size of the node group increases, the number of messages and heartbeats that are exchanged between the nodes increases significantly. As a result, traffic also increases. Having fewer nodes in a node group helps reduce the traffic and at the same time provides sufficient redundancy to detect PSN failures.

    There is no hard limit on the number of PSNs that you can have in a node group cluster.

  2. A

    Typically, there would be more than one Policy Service ISE node in a distributed deployment. All Policy Service ISE nodes that reside behind a load balancer share a common multicast address and can be grouped together to form a node group. If one of the nodes in a node group fails, the other nodes detect the failure and reset any pending sessions

  3. It should be either C if using a Load Balancer or the most common, D by configuring the list of PSN nodes in the NADs.

    Policy service nodes do not have the role of Primary and Secondary. That only applies to Policy Administration nodes and Mnt nodes

  4. It should be either C if using a Load Balancer or the most common, D by configuring the list of PSN nodes in the NADs.

    Policy service nodes do not have the role of Primary and Secondary. That only applies to Policy Administration nodes and Mnt nodes

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