How must the Expressway-C traversal client zone be configured to connect to the Expressway-E?

An Expressway-E is configured using a single NIC with NAT.
How must the Expressway-C traversal client zone be configured to connect to the Expressway-E?
A. TLS verify must be enabled.
B. The zone profile must be set to default.
C. The peer address must be the Expressway-E NAT address.
D. The peer address must be the Expressway-E LAN 1 IP address.


One thought on “How must the Expressway-C traversal client zone be configured to connect to the Expressway-E?

  1. Answer should be FQDN of the Expressway-E
    You must enter the FQDN of the Expressway-E, as it is seen from outside the network, as the peer address on the Expressway-C’s secure traversal zone. The reason for this is that in static NAT mode, the Expressway-E requests that incoming signaling and media traffic should be sent to its external FQDN, rather than its private name.

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