Examine the structure of the PROMOS table: You want to display the list of promo names with the message ‘Same Day’ for promos that started and ended on the same day. Which query gives the correct output? A. SELECT promo_name,…

Examine the structure of the PROMOS table: You want to generate a report showing promo names and their duration (number of days). If the PROMO_END_DATE has not been entered, the message ‘ONGOING’ should be displayed. Which queries give the correct…

You want to display the date for the first Monday of the next month and issue the following command: SQL>SELECT TO_CHAR(NEXT_DAY(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), ‘MON’), ‘dd "is the first Monday for ‘fmmonth rrrr’) FROM DUAL; What is the outcome? A. It executes successfully…

Examine the data in the CUST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table. CUST_NAME -——————– Lex De Haan Renske Ladwig Jose Manuel Urman Jason Mallin You want to extract only those customer names that have three names and display the * symbol…

View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. In the CUSTOMERS table, the CUST_LAST_NAME column contains the values ‘Anderson’ and ‘Ausson’. You issue the following query: SQL> SELECT LOWER(REPLACE(TRIM(‘son’ FROM cust_last_name), ‘An’, ‘O’)) FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE LOWER(cust_last_name)…