Which statements are true? (Choose all that apply.) A. The data dictionary is created and maintained by the database administrator. B. The data dictionary views consists of joins of dictionary base tables and user-defined tables. C. The usernames of all…

Evaluate the following SELECT statement and view the exhibit to examine its output: SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, search_condition, r_constraint_name, delete_rule, status, FROM user_constraints WHERE table_name = ‘ORDERS’; CONSTRAINT_NAME CON SEARCH_CONDITI ON R_CONSTRAINT_NAME DELETE_RULE STATUS ORDER_DATE_NN C "ORDER_DATE" IS NOT NULL ENABLED…

Examine the data in the CUST_NAME column of the CUSTOMERS table. CUST_NAME -—————— Renske Ladwig Jason Mallin Samuel McCain Allan MCEwen Irene Mikilineni Julia Nayer You need to display customers’ second names where the second name starts with "Mc" or…

Examine the following query: SQL> SELECT prod_id, amount_sold FROM sales ORDER BY amount_sold FETCH FIRST 5 PERCENT ROWS ONLY; What is the output of this query? A. It displays 5 percent of the products with the highest amount sold. B.…