An application wants to utilize side effects of cascading entity manager operations to related entities. Which statement is correct? A. The persist operation is always cascaded to related entitles for one-to one and one-to-many relationships. B. To minimize the effect…

An application uses an application-managed entity manager. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The application may specify whether the scope of the persistence context is extended. B. The application must use EntityManagerFactory instances to create entity managers. C.…

Given: @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; public boolean test(Order o) { boolean b = false; o = em.merge(o); em.remove(o); o = em.merge(o); b = em.contains(o); return b; } Which statement is correct? A. The method will return TRUE. B. The method will…

A developer has created an application managed entity manager. Which statement is correct? A. A new persistence context begins when the entity manager is created. B. A new persistence context begins when a new JTA transaction begins. C. A new…

If an application uses an extended persistence context, which of the following is true? A. The persistence context exists until all transactions invoked by the EntityManager complete. B. The persistence context exists until all transactions invoked by the EntityManagar complete…