Universal Containers (UC) wants to lower its shipping cost while making the shipping process more efficient. The Distribution Officer advises UC to implement global addresses to allow multiple Accounts to share a default pickup address. The developer is tasked to…

Which code should be used to update an existing Visualforce page that uses standard Visualforce components so that the page matches the look and feel of Lightning Experience? A. <apex:styleSheet value="({$URLFOR($Resource.slds,’assets/slds.css’)}"> B. <apex:slds/> C. <apex:page lightningStyleSheets="true"> D. <apex:includeLightning/>

A developer has an Apex controller for a Visualforce page that takes an ID as a URL parameter. How should the developer prevent a cross site scripting vulnerability? A. ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(‘url_param’) B. String.escapeSingleQuotes(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(‘url_param’)) C. String.ValueOf(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(‘url_param’)) D. ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(‘url_param’).escapeHtml4()

An org tracks customer orders on an Order object and the line items of an Order on the Line Item object. The Line Item object has a Master/Detail relationship to the Order object. A developer has a requirement to calculate…