What functionality would be lost if you configure only SAML as compared to SAML and LDAP?

What functionality would be lost if you configure only SAML as compared to SAML and LDAP?
A. The ability to create assignment groups
B. The ability to create user groups
C. The ability to sync user groups
D. The ability to create organization group


2 thoughts on “What functionality would be lost if you configure only SAML as compared to SAML and LDAP?

  1. The correct answer is:
    Page 6

    SAML Authentication without LDAP Integration –This approach allows for federated authentication with
    the ability to accept SAML mappings from your corporate IdP.

    SAML Authentication with LDAP Integration –This approach allows for AirWatch to sync additional
    attributes and User Group membership for your corporate users that are authenticated against your
    corporate IdP.

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