What is the maximum number of threads that can be created per vNIC?

An application requires a high network transmission rate and multiple simultaneous TCP streams.
What is the maximum number of threads that can be created per vNIC?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10


4 thoughts on “What is the maximum number of threads that can be created per vNIC?

  1. Correct Answer is C – 8.
    The question is how many Threads per vNic, and it’s 8 not 10.
    VMXNET 3 optimization
    Using copy TX for small messages size (<=256B)
    Optimized usage of pinned memory
    Physical NIC improvements
    Native driver support for Intel cards (removes overhead of translating from VMkernel to VMKLinux data structures)
    CPU Scheduling Improvements
    Up to 8 separate threads can be created per vNIC
    To enable on VM level add:
    ethernetX.ctxPerDev = “3” to vmx file

    1. I knew it wasn’t D, just couldn’t find the documentation/white paper giving me the other number. Can you post a link to the 8 threads verbiage? Thanks

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