What is the outcome?

You want to display the date for the first Monday of the next month and issue the following command:

What is the outcome?
A. In generates an error because rrrr should be replaced by rr in the format string.
B. It executes successfully but does not return the correct result.
C. It executes successfully and returns the correct result.
D. In generates an error because T0_CHAR should be replaced with T0_DATE.
E. In generates an error because f m and double quotation marks should not be used in the format string

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One thought on “What is the outcome?

  1. select to_char(next_day(last_day(sysdate), ‘MON’), ‘dd “is the first Monday for” fmmonth rrrr’) from dual;
    03 is the first Monday for april 2023

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