What Linux command allows a user to view the IP route table?

What Linux command allows a user to view the IP route table?
A. ed@ned:~$ show IP route
B. ed@ned:~$ route IP
C. ed@ned:~$ netstat -rn
D. ed@ned:~$ sudo route add default gw


2 thoughts on “What Linux command allows a user to view the IP route table?

  1. show ip route is for routers, however there is a package that needs to be installed in order to use that command.

    C is the correct answer it cannot be two options.

  2. Netstat combined with the -r option will display the kernel routing tables. This is commonly used with the -n option, which will only show numerical addresses rather than performing any sort of name resolution.

    It is asking for what command not what commands it should be one answer. But if it the question is for to options.

    Answer should be A, C

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