What would be good advice to give the Product Owner?

A Development Team asks their Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog. The team is waiting for an external supplier to deliver a specific software component. Without that component there won’t be enough work in the next Sprint to occupy the full team. The Product Owner asks the Scrum Master for help.
What would be good advice to give the Product Owner?
A. Remind the Product Owner that his primary concern is the flow of value reflected in the ordering of the Product Backlog.
B. Tell the Product Owner to re-order the Product Backlog so the work involving the external component can be planned in a separate sprint.
C. Tell the Product Owner that the Product Backlog should be ordered to maximize utilization of the Development Team.

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4 thoughts on “What would be good advice to give the Product Owner?

  1. This is ABSOLUTELY the correct answer. I have seen it false on so many sites. So many it’s crazy !!!

    I had this question in the official Scrum exam and had 100% so I’m totally sure. Pleas think about this one carefully!

    PLEASE remember that 1) the Scrum Master doesn’t ever ever TELL the Product Owner what to do so B and C just CANNOT be right 2) His job is totally to remind the Product Owner that his job is to represent the flow of VALUE !!

    1. Hi Ewa, I had this question in the exam and the proposed answers were exactly as stated above. The link you sent to the forum comes from websites who propose “example questions” but who DO NOT reflect necessarily the question in the exam. I can confirm that in the exam, the question is exactly as stated and also the three proposed answers.

      Absolutely never seen the proposed answers as is in the linik. These proposed answers come from elsewhere, from websites who propose “exam questions”. If some-one has actually seen this question and the proposed answers ON THE OFFICIAL EXAM, please do say. And proposing discussions from 2016 when we all know that the latest Scrum Guide dates from 2017…… it’s like saying that the sprint backlog is frozen in the sprint because a document from 2004 said so. Please let’s stay agile and on top of the framework guys !

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