Which argument in sp_addmessage should you configure?

A Microsoft SQL Server instance has a database named Employees. The database contains information about employees including their salary.
You must create a custom system message as an alert when an error is raised.
You need to create the custom message in the sys.messages table.
Which argument in sp_addmessage should you configure?
A. @with_log
B. @lang
C. @severity
D. @replace


One thought on “Which argument in sp_addmessage should you configure?

  1. The answer is D not C.
    The @replace parameter will enable to have a custom message. Below is the explaination from the link itself :
    [ \@severity = ]severity Is the severity level of the error. severity is smallint with a default of NULL. Valid levels are from 1 through 25.
    [ \@replace = ] ‘replace’ If specified as the string replace, an existing error message is overwritten with new message text and severity level. replace is varchar(7) with a default of NULL. This option must be specified if msg_id already exists. If you replace a U.S. English message, the severity level is replaced for all messages in all other languages that have the same msg_id.

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