Which control markup will you use?

You work as an ASP.NET Web Application Developer for SomeCompany.
The company uses Visual Studio .NET 2010 as its application development platform.
You are creating an ASP.NET Web application using .NET Framework 4.0.
The Web application will be accessed by international audience.
The Web application holds global and local resources for display elements that must be translated into the language that is preferred by the user. You are required to ensure that a Label control named CompanyLabel displays text in the user’s preferred language from the global resource file. Which control markup will you use?
A. <asp:Label lD="CompanyLabel" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:WebResources, Text %>" />
B. <asp:Label lD="CompanyLabel" runat="server" Text="<% Resources:WebResources %>" />
C. <asp:Label lD="CompanyLabel" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:WebResources, CompanyLabelText %>" />
D. <asp:Label lD="CompanyLabel" runat="server" Text="CompanyLabel" meta:resourcekey="CompanyLabel.Text" />


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