Which customizable security report on Cisco Prime Infrastructure would show rogue APs detected since a point in time?

Which customizable security report on Cisco Prime Infrastructure would show rogue APs detected since a point in time?
A. New Rogue APs
B. Rogue AP Events
C. Rogue APs
D. Rogue AP Count Summary


7 thoughts on “Which customizable security report on Cisco Prime Infrastructure would show rogue APs detected since a point in time?

  1. I think it should be

    A. New Rogue APs

    “This report displays all rogues DETECTED for the first time on your network WITHIN THE SELECTED TIME FRAME for this report. The value in the Created Time column indicates the time at which the rogue was first detected.”

  2. The “point in time” is what clues you into the correct answer, which is most likely “B” based on the following:
    Rogue AP Events: This report displays all rogue access point events received by Prime Infrastructure, based on event time.
    As opposed to:
    Rogue APs: Prime Infrastructure gets updates about rogues from controllers by using traps or by polling. The Last Seen Time is updated any time a trap for the rogue is received or rogue is seen during the last Prime Infrastructure polling cycles.
    Yes, it is an older Prime guide 2.0

  3. In PI 3.4 there is no such report as “Rogue APs”, only “Rogue APs(Updated)”. Also “New Rogue APs” and “Rogue AP Events” both can be used to “show rogue APs detected since a point in time”…
    I’m confused… 🙁

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