Which is an available proxy type in the Video Mesh node configuration to support this deployment model?

An administrator has been asked to configure Video Mesh signaling traffic to route through a proxy.
Which is an available proxy type in the Video Mesh node configuration to support this deployment model?
A. Transparent Explicit Proxy
B. Transparent Inspecting Proxy
C. Reverse Proxy
D. Distorting Proxy


One thought on “Which is an available proxy type in the Video Mesh node configuration to support this deployment model?

  1. he following proxy types are supported by Video Mesh:

    Explicit Proxy (inspecting or non-inspecting)—With explicit proxy, you tell the client (Video Mesh nodes) which proxy server to use. This option supports one of the following authentication types:

    None—No further authentication is required. (For HTTP or HTTPS explicit proxy.)

    Basic—Used for an HTTP user agent to provide a username and password when making a request, and uses Base64 encoding. (For HTTP or HTTPS explicit proxy.)

    Digest—Used to confirm the identity of the account before sending sensitive information, and applies a hash function on the username and password before sending over the network. (For HTTPS explicit proxy.)

    NTLM—Like Digest, NTLM is used to confirm the identity of the account before sending sensitive information. Uses Windows credentials instead of the username and password. This authentication scheme requires multiple exchanges to complete. (For HTTP explicit proxy.)

    Transparent Proxy (non-inspecting)—Video Mesh nodes are not configured to use a specific proxy server address and should not require any changes to work with a non-inspecting proxy.

    Transparent Proxy (inspecting)—Video Mesh nodes are not configured to use a specific proxy server address. No http(s) configuration changes are necessary on Video Mesh, however, the Video Mesh nodes need a root certificate so that they trust the proxy. Inspecting proxies are typically used by IT to enforce policies regarding which websites can be visited and types of content that are not permitted. This type of proxy decrypts all your traffic (even https).

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