Which parameter is required on MCU for ad hoc conferencing?

Which parameter is required on MCU for ad hoc conferencing?
A. Media Port reservation
B. incoming calls to unknown conferences or auto-attendants
C. DSP reservation for video
D. MCU type
E. MCU Conference Bridge SIP Port


6 thoughts on “Which parameter is required on MCU for ad hoc conferencing?

    1. Hi Maru,

      the document that you are mentioned states: “ad hoc conferences are not permitted when in Reserved mode.” . So, actually , the option A is incorrect, because, the ” Media port reservation” must to be disable, instead of enable it

      1. Hi James, I agree, the correct answer is B.
        Media port reservation is set to Enabled. This should only be done when using the device as a media resource, when using as a Rendezvous device.
        If automatically generating non-scheduled conferences on the MCU the setting Incoming calls to unknown conferences or auto attendants must be set to Create new ad hoc conference.

  1. Sorry but i belive it should be B.

    From here: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/telepresence/infrastructure/articles/mcu_service_prefix_registrations_kb_153.html
    Example 1b – The endpoint dials 1231111. The call is routed to the MCU, which is left with 1111 after stripping the prefix. The MCU does not have a conference or auto attendant with the numeric ID 1111, so it follows the action in the Incoming calls to unknown conferences or auto attendants field in the Conference Settings page and connects the call to the auto attendant, creates a new ad-hoc conference, or simply disconnects the caller.

    from here: http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/telepresence/infrastructure/mcu/admin_guide/cisco_telepresence_mcu_5300_series_administration_guide_4-3_2-17.pdf
    Reserved mode
    This is the mode that the MCU runs in when the Media port reservation setting is configured as Enabled. With
    this scheme, each conference must be configured with a number of video ports to reserve and a number of
    audio-only ports to reserve. These values differ from the maximum port values set in Unreserved mode in a
    number of ways:
    n Reservations are guaranteed
    As well as being maximum values (i.e. enforcing limits on the number of conference participants), port
    reservation values also guarantee that that many endpoints are able to participate in the conference.
    n Port reservations are mandatory
    In unreserved mode, it is not necessary to specify a number of video or audio-only ports for a conference. In
    reserved mode, however, every conference must have configured reservations for both video and audioonly
    n Over-allocation is not permitted
    Port reservations guarantee that a certain number of participants will be able to join a conference; because
    of this, the MCU will not permit these reservations to be configured such that the total number of reserved
    ports at any given time exceeds the total number of ports available. See Clashing reservations for
    additional information.

    So in my opinion when you reserve the ports, there are no ports for ad-hoc any more?

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