Which phase of the forensic process is data that is related to a specific event labeled and recorded to preserve its integrity?

During which phase of the forensic process is data that is related to a specific event labeled and recorded to preserve its integrity?
A. collection
B. examination
C. reporting
D. investigation


3 thoughts on “Which phase of the forensic process is data that is related to a specific event labeled and recorded to preserve its integrity?

  1. ! Collection: identifying, labeling, recording, and acquiring data from the possible sources of relevant data, while following procedures that preserve the integrity of the data.
    ! Examination: forensically processing collected data using a combination of automated and manual methods, and assessing and extracting data of particular interest, while preserving the integrity of the data.
    ! Analysis: analyzing the results of the examination, using legally justifiable methods and techniques, to derive useful information that addresses the questions that were the impetus for performing the collection and examination.
    ! Reporting: reporting the results of the analysis, which may include describing the actions used, explaining how tools and procedures were selected, determining what other actions need to be performed

    Answer = A , Collection

  2. The process for performing digital forensics comprises the following basic phases:!

    Collection: identifying, labeling, recording, and acquiring data from the possible sources of relevant data, while following procedures that preserve the integrity of the data.

    Reference: NIST 800-86 Page. 9 – Guide to integrating forensics techniques into incident response

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