Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?

Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?
A. Go-between development team and customers.
B. Value optimizer.
C. Requirements engineer.
D. Team manager.

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13 thoughts on “Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?

  1. A – can be a right answer as he is a go to between customer and development team but B makes more sense as his main role is to optimize the product back log by prioritizing and ordering the backlog to deliver more value faster so my vote goes to B

  2. What are the three most applicable characteristics of the Product Owner?
    • Product Value Maximizer
    • Lead Facilitator of Key Stakeholder Involvement
    • Product Marketplace Expert

    So correct answer for this matter is B

  3. B is definitely the correct answer, one of the tenets of being a PO is optimizing value. While acting as a Go-between development team and customers may be something that the PO does in order to gather information on what needs to be done it should never really be just the PO, therefore not making it a tenet.

    The PO definitely needs to engage all stakeholders including the customers, however, when needed the PO needs to involve the Dev team in customer calls to help understand business, domain, customer needs. They should not be the go-between, this decreases value as important questions and value may be missed.

    1. A) The question does NOT concern the Scrum Master. The question is about the Product Owner
      B) Anyway if it did – he is NOT a go-between. They are responsible, self-organizing adults and do not need ‘go-betweens’

      Back to the question. In agreement with Dr Shaito and MK, the correct answer is B. Value optimizer.

      – he is a value optimizer as stated in the very first paragraph on page 6 of the Scrum Guide under ‘Product Owner’

      1. Saw you made a 100%. Can you assist with these (unrelated to this question) two questions?

        1. Which technique is the best way the Scrum Master can ensure the Development Team communicates effectively with the Product Owner?
        a. Monitor communications between them and facilitate direct collaboration
        b. Teach the Development Team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives
        c. Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the Sprints
        d. Act as a go-between for them

        2. A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Development Team has decided that a retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take?
        a. Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team
        b. Begin facilitating productive, useful retrospectives
        c. Consult the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation
        d. Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management

        1. My 2c whatever it worth.

          1. Which technique is the best way the Scrum Master can ensure the Development Team communicates effectively with the Product Owner?
          a. Monitor communications between them and facilitate direct collaboration – Literally speaking the first half of the ans ‘Monitor Communication’ is wrong, SM is not a jealous micro manager, he is suppose to be a Servant-Leader BUT the last part make sense as it’s main role is to facilitate, whether it’s communication or events etc.
          b. Teach the Development Team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives – Could be correct in real life, but nothing of this sort is mentioned in Scrum Guide.
          c. Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the Sprints – PO is least concerned about technologies, it’s dev team forte/ specialisation.
          d. Act as a go-between for them – Scrum team is one team and PO is part of it, so a GO-To isn’t required to communicate within team.

          2. A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Development Team has decided that a retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum Master take?
          a. Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team. – All the events in the scrum are mandatory.
          b. Begin facilitating productive, useful retrospectives. – Facilitation is the major job of SM, so yes SM need to find out the ways to make the Retro meet more productive.
          c. Consult the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about the situation – SM as the title says, knows more about Scrum framework as PO is for Product awareness. So asking PO about a scrum event doesn’t make much sense.
          d. Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management. – There is NO Senior management in Scrum world, anything about Scrum process need to be dealt within team.

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