Which process continues to be recorded in the process table after it has ended and the status is returned to the parent?

Which process continues to be recorded in the process table after it has ended and the status is returned to the parent?
A. daemon
B. zombie
C. orphan
D. child


5 thoughts on “Which process continues to be recorded in the process table after it has ended and the status is returned to the parent?

  1. The key part of this question is “continues to be recorded in the process table”

    A zombie process occurs when a process releases the associated memory and resources but remains in the entry table. Thus, making the answer B. zombie NOT C. orphan

    An orphan process results when a parent process is terminated and the remaining child process is permitted to continue on its own. The questions states nothing about a parent or child processes.

  2. Zombie processes should not be confused with orphan processes: an orphan process is a process that is still executing, but whose parent has died. These do not remain as zombie processes; instead, (like all orphaned processes) they are adopted by init (process ID 1), which waits on its children. The result is that a process that is both a zombie and an orphan will be reaped automatically.

  3. Zombie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process
    Zombie processes should not be confused with orphan processes: an orphan process is a process that is still executing, but whose parent has died. These do not remain as zombie processes; instead, (like all orphaned processes) they are adopted by init (process ID 1), which waits on its children. The result is that a process that is both a zombie and an orphan will be reaped automatically.

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