Which statement about what occurs when the new uplinks are added is true?

An engineer discovers that an NPV/NPIV uplink experiences a heavy load and plans to add more uplinks. Which statement about what occurs when the new uplinks are added is true?
A. Only new connections use the new uplinks automatically.
B. Paths must be defined before new connections can use the new uplinks.
C. All connections must be reset before the new uplinks can be used.
D. New and existing connections use the new uplinks automatically.


0 thoughts on “Which statement about what occurs when the new uplinks are added is true?

  1. A
    Automatic Uplink Selection
    NPV supports automatic selection of NP uplinks. When a server interface is brought up, the NP uplink interface with the minimum load is selected from the available NP uplinks in the same VSAN as the server interface.

    When a new NP uplink interface becomes operational, the existing load is not redistributed automatically to include the newly available uplink. Server interfaces that become operational after the NP uplink can select the new NP uplink.


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