Which statement is true about the execution of the code?

View the Exhibit to examine the PL/SQL code.

Which statement is true about the execution of the code?
A. The exception raised in the code is handled by the exception handler for the PAST_DUE exception.
B. It does not execute because you cannot declare an exception with a similar name in the subblock.
C. The PAST_DUE exception raised in the subblock causes the program to terminate abruptly because there is no exception handler in the subblock.
D. The PAST_DUE exception raised by the enclosing block is not propagated to the outer block and it is handled by the WHEN OTHERS exception handler

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One thought on “Which statement is true about the execution of the code?

  1. d

    SET serveroutput ON
    past_due EXCEPTION;
    acct_num NUMBER;
    past_due EXCEPTION;
    acct_num NUMBER;
    due_date DATE := sysdate -1;
    todays_date DATE := sysdate;
    IF due_date < todays_date THEN
    raise past_due;
    END IF;
    WHEN past_due THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('handling past_due exeption.');
    dbms_output.put_line('could not recognize rxception.');

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