How should the administrator configure the firewall to allow multiple applications in a dynamic environment?

An administrator needs to allow users to use their own office applications. How should the administrator configure the firewall to allow multiple applications in a dynamic environment?
A. Create an Application Filter and name it Office Programs, the filter it on the business-systems category, office-programs subcategory
B. Create an Application Group and add business-systems to it
C. Create an Application Filter and name it Office Programs, then filter it on the business-systems category
D. Create an Application Group and add Office 365, Evernote, Google Docs, and Libre Office

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11 thoughts on “How should the administrator configure the firewall to allow multiple applications in a dynamic environment?

  1. Ive read this question over and over and flicked from A to B several times. A seems to be the answer as the clue is in the end of the question, its a dynamic environment, so only A applies. Application Filters are dynamic, Groups are manual.
    Got to go with A.

  2. Application Filters
    An administrator can dynamically categorize multiple applications into an application filter based on the specific attributes Category, Subcategory, Tags, Risk, and Characteristic. For example, if you want to allow all audio streaming applications, you could create an application filter that includes the subcategory of audio-streaming, which automatically would add all applications to the filter from the App-ID database that are subcategorized as audio-streaming. The filter then would be added as an application to a security policy rule. Application filters simplify the process of ensuring that all applications that meet any attribute automatically are added to a security policy.

    Application Groups
    An administrator can manually categorize multiple applications into an application group based on App- ID. This application group then is added to one or more security policy rules as required, which streamlines firewall administration. Instead of a firewall administrator individually adding different applications into a security policy, only the application group needs to be added to the policy.

    Application filters can be dynamic and Application Groups are manual

    @pandelerium – good job!

  3. A seems to be correct. Agree Group can also be dynamic in sense it ican nest filters and other groups together but looking at the answer more specific answer with subcategories listed, A seems to be nearest match! otherwise you can either use group or filter in this case.

  4. This question is copied straight from the online guide for configuring app filters…see below. A is the best answer.

    An application filter is an object that dynamically groups applications based on application attributes that you define, including category, subcategory, technology, risk factor, and characteristic. This is useful when you want to safely enable access to applications that you do not explicitly sanction, but that you want users to be able to access. For example, you may want to enable employees to choose their own office programs (such as Evernote, Google Docs, or Microsoft Office 365) for business use. To safely enable these types of applications, you could create an application filter that matches on the Category business-systems and the Subcategory office-programs. As new applications office programs emerge and new App-IDs get created, these new applications will automatically match the filter you defined; you will not have to make any additional changes to your policy rulebase to safely enable any application that matches the attributes you defined for the filter.

  5. When you are creating an App-Group, you can add an App-Filter to it, so in this scenario, an App-Group can be dynamic. I would say B is still correct.

  6. I think it should be A, because if it is dynamic environment, than APP GROUP is not used, because it statically defines apps list, you can not select categories in the app groups as B answer is saying. So in my opnion it shoul be A.

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