How should the Developer ensure that the microservice has the necessary access to the Amazon S3 bucket, while adhering to security best practices?

A company needs a new REST API that can return information about the contents of an Amazon S3 bucket, such as a count of the objects stored in it. The company has decided that the new API should be written as a microservice using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
How should the Developer ensure that the microservice has the necessary access to the Amazon S3 bucket, while adhering to security best practices?
A. Create an IAM user that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket, and store the IAM user credentials in the Lambda function source code.
B. Create an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket and assign it to the Lambda function as its execution role.
C. Create an Amazon S3 bucket policy that specifies the Lambda service as its principal and assign it to the Amazon S3 bucket.
D. Create an IAM role, attach the AmazonS3FullAccess managed policy to it, and assign the role to the Lambda function as its execution role.


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