Resize the logical volume vo and its filesystem to 290 MB. Make sure that the filesystem contents remain intact.

Resize the logical volume vo and its filesystem to 290 MB. Make sure that the filesystem contents remain intact.
Note: Partitions are seldom exactly the same size requested, so a size within the range of 260 MB to 320 MiB is acceptable
A. See explanation below.

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One thought on “Resize the logical volume vo and its filesystem to 290 MB. Make sure that the filesystem contents remain intact.

  1. Extension process:
    1- check for the lv space available
    # lvdisplay or lvs
    if the space is enough then
    # lvextend -l 100M -r /dev/vg_name/lv_name

    note 1: no need to extend the fs because the -r option in the previous cmd does the work needed for extending it
    note 2: no need to umount the fs during the extension process

    2- check for the vg space available
    # vgdisplay or vgs
    if the space is NOT enough, then you need to create a new partition
    # fdisk
    p –> n –> e –> default –> default –> default –> n –> l –> default –> default –> +100M –> t –> 8e –> w
    # partprobe
    # vgextend /dev/vg_name /dev/new_partition
    note 1: no need to create a new pv because the previous cmd do this automatically
    # lvextend -l 100M -r /dev/vg_name/lv_name
    note 2: no need to extend the fs because the -r option in the previous cmd does the work needed for extending it
    note 3: no need to umount the fs during the extension process
    Shrinking process:
    1- unmount your file system
    # umount /mounted_path

    2- shrink your logical volume
    # lvreduce -L 100M -r /dev/vg_name/lv_name
    note 1: this cmd works only for ext file system family only
    note 2: no need to shrink the file system because -r option do the job

    3- remount your file system
    if its mounted on fstab –> mount -a
    if its manually mounted –> mount /dev/vg_name/lv_name /mount_path


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