What caused this error and what steps need to be taken to allow the Engineer to successfully execute the AWS CloudFormation template?

A DevOps Engineer encountered the following error when attempting to use an AWS CloudFormation template to create an Amazon ECS cluster:
An error occurred (InsufficientCapabilitiesException) when calling the CreateStack operation.
What caused this error and what steps need to be taken to allow the Engineer to successfully execute the AWS CloudFormation template?
A. The AWS user or role attempting to execute the CloudFormation template does not have the permissions required to create the resources within the template.
The Engineer must review the user policies and add any permissions neededto create the resources and then rerun the template execution.
B. The AWS CloudFormation service cannot be reached and is not capable of creating the cluster. The Engineer needs to confirm that routing and firewall rules are not preventing the AWS CloudFormation script from communicating withthe AWS service endpoints, and then rerun the template execution.
C. The CloudFormation execution was not granted the capability to create IAM resources. The Engineer needs to provide CAPABILITY_IAM and CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM as capabilities in the CloudFormation execution parameters or provide the capabilities in the AWS Management Console.
D. CloudFormation is not capable of fulfilling the request of the specified resources in the current AWS Region. The Engineer needs to specify a new region and rerun the template.


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