What would be the outcome of the above statement?

View the Exhibit and examine the data in ORDERS_MASTER and MONTHLYjDRDERS tables.

Evaluate the following MERGE statement:
MERGE INTO orders_master o
USING monthly_orders m
ON (o.order_id = m.order_id)
UPDATE SET o.order_total = m.order_total
DELETE WHERE (m.order_total IS NULL)
INSERT VALUES (m.order_id, m.order_total);
What would be the outcome of the above statement?
A. The ORDERS_MASTER table would contain the ORDERJDs 1 and 2.
B. The ORDERS_MASTER table would contain the ORDERJDs 1,2 and 3.
C. The ORDERS_MASTER table would contain the ORDERJDs 1,2 and 4.
D. The ORDERS MASTER table would contain the ORDER IDs 1,2,3 and 4.

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