Which action results in the requested change?

The network operator asks you to change the config setting on one specific host. All 300 hosts are managed with Puppet. Which action results in the requested change?
A. This is an unsupported feature of Puppet, and Chef or Ansible must be used to make this change.
B. Go to that host and make the config change. Puppet sees the local override and skips that part.
C. Add an if statement to the Puppet manifest, and add specific config settings, in case Puppet is running on that host.
D. Add a node-based variable lookup override in Hiera, so that if Puppet runs on that host, it takes the variable from Hiera.


One thought on “Which action results in the requested change?

  1. D
    What is Hiera?

    Hiera is Puppet’s built-in key/value data lookup system. By default, it uses simple YAML or JSON files, although you can extend it to work with almost any data source. Almost every successful Puppet user relies on it heavily, and you should too.
    Hiera is the config file for your Puppet code

    Puppet’s primary strength is in reusable code. But code that serves many needs has to be configurable — site-specific information should usually be in configuration data, rather than in the code itself.

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