Which code snippet, in submit.jsp, instantiates an instance of com.example.Product that contains the results of the form submission?

Click the Exhibit button.
Given the HTML form:
1. <html>
2. <body>
3. <form action="submit.jsp">
4. Name: <input type="text" name="i1"><br>
5. Price: <input type="text" name="i2"><br>
6. <input type="submit">
7. </form>
8. </body>
9. </html>
Assume the product attribute does NOT yet exist in any scope.
Which code snippet, in submit.jsp, instantiates an instance of com.example.Product that contains the results of the form submission?

A. <jsp:useBean id="com.example.Product" />
<jsp:setProperty name="product" property="*" />
B. <jsp:useBean id="product" class="com.example.Product" />
${product.name = param.i1}
${product.price = param.i2}
C. <jsp:useBean id="product" class="com.example.Product">
<jsp:setProperty name="product" property="name"
param="i1" />
<jsp:setProperty name="product" property="price"
param="i2" />
D. <jsp:useBean id="product" type="com.example.Product">
<jsp:setProperty name="product" property="name"
value="<%= request.getParameter( "i1" ) %>" />
<jsp:setProperty name="product" property="price"
value="<%= request.getParameter( "i2" ) %>" />

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