Which FirePOWER preprocessor engine is used to prevent SYN attacks?

Which FirePOWER preprocessor engine is used to prevent SYN attacks?
A. Rate-Based Prevention
B. Portscan Detection
C. IP Defragmentation
D. Inline Normalization


2 thoughts on “Which FirePOWER preprocessor engine is used to prevent SYN attacks?

  1. Rate-Based Prevention Preprocessor. FirePOWER IPS preprocessor that detects traffic abnormalities based on teh frequency of certain types of traffic such as excessive complete or incomplete TCP connections, excessive rule matches for a particular IP address.

  2. 1. FirePOWER IPS preprocessor that detects traffic abnormalities based on teh frequency of certain types of traffic such as excessive complete or incomplete TCP connections, excessive rule matches for a particular IP address

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