Which of the following tasks can the command passwd accomplish?

Which of the following tasks can the command passwd accomplish? (Choose two.)
A. Change a user’s username.
B. Change a user’s password.
C. Create a new user account.
D. Create a new user group.
E. Lock a user account.

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5 thoughts on “Which of the following tasks can the command passwd accomplish?

  1. The answer is absolutely WRONG here.

    the most popular usage of `passwd` is to change password of the user (non-admin user can change its account password, admin user (super user) can change any accounts password) , and also changing some password settings (-e, expiration (prompt a user to change the password for the next time login); -i “N” days, inactivity (the period of time after which the account will be disabled); -l, lock the password (it disables for a non-admin user to set the password for its account; -d, delete (delete the password for the user account – passwordless account); etc.)

    So the right answer B.

    Why not E, because to lock the user’s account, the most popular is `usermod –expiredate 1` command

    ps to check the setting of password.
    1. sudo chage -l
    2. sudo passwd -S

    1. The question is choose two, so the answer cannot only be B.
      The question is not asking the most popular way to lock an account, it is asking what can passwd accomplish, which it can accomplish locking by using -l for lock the password.

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