Which SQL statement will retrieve the employee number (EMPNO), hire date (HIREDATE), and salary (SALARY) for each employee from a table named EMPLOYEE who was hired before 1998 and earns a salary of less than $35,000.00 per year?

Which SQL statement will retrieve the employee number (EMPNO), hire date (HIREDATE), and salary (SALARY) for each employee from a table named EMPLOYEE who was hired before 1998 and earns a salary of less than $35,000.00 per year?
A. SELECT empno, hiredate, salaryFROM employeeFOR hiredate < ‘1998-01-01’ AND salary < 35000
B. SELECT empno, hiredate, salaryFROM employeeWHERE hiredate < ‘1998-01-01’ AND salary < 35000
C. SELECT empno, hiredate, salaryFROM employeeWHERE hiredate < ‘1998-01-01’ OR salary < 35000
D. SELECT empno, hiredate, salaryFROM employeeFOR hiredate < ‘1998-01-01’ OR salary < 35000

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