What problems will the developer encounter?

A developer plans to create two new message flows. Flow1 that uses TimeoutControl and TimeoutNotification nodes in Controlled mode, and Flow2 that uses only the TimeoutNotification node in Automatic mode.
The Integration Node is installed on a system without IBM MQ installed. What problems will the developer encounter?
A. Flow1 will not deploy successfully. Flow2 will not deploy successfully.
B. Flow1 will not deploy successfully. Flow2 will deploy and execute successfully.
C. Flow1 will not deploy successfully. Flow2 will deploy successfully but will produce an error when execution is attempted.
D. Flow1 will deploy successfully but produce an error when execution is attempted. Flow2 will deploy and execute successfully.

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One thought on “What problems will the developer encounter?

  1. It should be A. Flow1 will not deploy successfully. Flow2 will not deploy successfully.
    None of the message flows will be deployed. In an MQ-Free Environment Timer Nodes will not be able to find the SYSTEM Queues which are mandatory. Deployment will result in:

    BIP2685E: The node of type ‘TimeoutNotification’ named ‘Timeout Notification’ requires a queue manager to be specified on the integration node.
    This node stores its state on the queue manager that is specified on the integration node, and cannot function without it.
    Specify a queue manager for the integration node, and then deploy the component again.
    The task was unsuccessful: The deployment was unsuccessful. Check error messages above for explanation.

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