What single class must you substitute for XXXXXX in the two locations in the code?

The current page includes the following entries in its page definition file:
<attributeValues IterBinding="EmployeesView1Iterator" id="Email">
<Item Value="Email"/>
Programmatically, in a managed bean, you need to read the current EmployeesView’s email into a string. You write the following code to do this:
DCBindingContainer bc = (DCBindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent
XXXXXX emailBinding = (XXXXXX)bc.findCtrlBinding("Email");
String emailValue = emailBinding.getAttribute().getString();
What single class must you substitute for XXXXXX in the two locations in the code? (Choose the best answer.)
A. CtrlBindingContext
B. JUCtrlActionBinding
C. JUCtrlValueBinding
D. DCValueBinding
E. BCValueBinding

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