Which of the following actions could be attempted?

If after running a session task, it has been determined that the incorrect mapping was run for that session task, which of the following actions could be attempted?
A. Edit the session task and from the General tab, choose the correct mapping to reassociate with the session task, then Save and rerun the process
B. At run time, when the workflow is executed, chose the session task with the correct mapping associated
C. Edit the session task and from the Mapping tab, choose the correct mapping to reassociate with the session ask, then Save and rerun the process
D. None of the above

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3 thoughts on “Which of the following actions could be attempted?

  1. D is the correct answer

    You can´t change the mapping associated to a session from general tab, you should create another session in order to reassociate the new mapping.

  2. D…We cannot edit the mapping name in session unless you invalidate or export it into xml and revalidate it

  3. Could anyone teach me whether or not A is the correct answer? since I do not think that we can choose correct mapping from general tab of session task edition.

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