Examine the following snippet of PL/SQL code:

Examine the following snippet of PL/SQL code:

View the exhibit for table description of EMPLOYEES table. The EMPLOYEES table has 200 rows.

Identify open statement for opening the cursor that fetches the result as consisting of employees with JOB_ID as ‘ST_CLERK’ and salary greater than 3000.
A. OPEN c1 (NULL, 3000);
B. OPEN c1 (emp_job, 3000);
C. OPEN c1 (3000, emp_salary);
D. OPEN c1 (‘ST_CLERK’, 3000)
E. OPEN c1 (EMP_job, emp_salary);

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3 thoughts on “Examine the following snippet of PL/SQL code:

  1. I think correct answer is D.
    Tested with below code:

    set serveroutput on;
    emp_job employees.job_id%type:=’ST_CLERK’;
    emp_salary employees.salary%type:=3000;
    my_record employees%rowtype;
    cursor c1 (job varchar2, max_wage number) is
    select * from employees
    where job_id=job and
    OPEN c1(‘ST_CLERK’,3000); — open the cursor before fetching
    FETCH c1 INTO my_record; — fetches 2 columns into variables
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Job ‘||my_record.job_id||’ has salary ‘||my_record.salary);
    CLOSE c1;

    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3200
    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3300
    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3300
    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3600
    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3200
    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3500
    Job ST_CLERK has salary 3100

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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