What must you do to ensure that the code executes successfully?

Examine the following code:

The above code generates an error on execution.
What must you do to ensure that the code executes successfully?
A. Use the TO_DATE function in line 2.
B. Use the TO_DATE function in line 7.
C. Use the TO_NUMBER function in line 6.
D. Use both the TO_DATE function in line 2 and the TO_NUMBER function in line 6.

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One thought on “What must you do to ensure that the code executes successfully?

  1. Confirming correct answer is A

    Original code is failing in line 2:

    set serveroutput on
    date1 date:=’January 10, 2008′;
    date2 date:=SYSDATE;
    date_diff number;
    dbms_output.put_line(‘Difference in dates is ‘|| date_diff);

    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
    ORA-06512: at line 2

    After adding TO_DATE function, code executes successfulyy.

    set serveroutput on
    date1 date:=to_date(‘January 10, 2008′,’Month DD, YYYY’);
    date2 date:=SYSDATE;
    date_diff number;
    dbms_output.put_line(‘Difference in dates is ‘|| date_diff);

    Difference in dates is 4157.364664351851851851851851851851851852

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    TO_NUMBER function is not required as result of two dates subtraction is a number.

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