Which approach should a Machine Learning Specialist take to obtain accurate predictions?

An agricultural company is interested in using machine learning to detect specific types of weeds in a 100-acre grassland field. Currently, the company uses tractor-mounted cameras to capture multiple images of the field as 10 x 10 grids. The company also has a large training dataset that consists of annotated images of popular weed classes like broadleaf and nonbroadleaf docks.
The company wants to build a weed detection model that will detect specific types of weeds and the location of each type within the field. Once the model is ready, it will be hosted on Amazon SageMaker endpoints. The model will perform realtime inferencing using the images captured by the cameras.
Which approach should a Machine Learning Specialist take to obtain accurate predictions?
A. Prepare the images in RecordIO format and upload them to Amazon S3. Use Amazon SageMaker to train, test, and validate the model using an image classification algorithm to categorize images into various weed classes.
B. Prepare the images in Apache Parquet format and upload them to Amazon S3. Use Amazon SageMaker to train, test, and validate the model using an object- detection single-shot multibox detector (SSD) algorithm.
C. Prepare the images in RecordIO format and upload them to Amazon S3. Use Amazon SageMaker to train, test, and validate the model using an objectdetection single-shot multibox detector (SSD) algorithm.
D. Prepare the images in Apache Parquet format and upload them to Amazon S3. Use Amazon SageMaker to train, test, and validate the model using an image classification algorithm to categorize images into various weed classes.


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