Which visualization will accomplish this?

A Machine Learning Specialist kicks off a hyperparameter tuning job for a tree-based ensemble model using Amazon SageMaker with Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) as the objective metric. This workflow will eventually be deployed in a pipeline that retrains and tunes hyperparameters each night to model clickthrough on data that goes stale every 24 hours.
With the goal of decreasing the amount of time it takes to train these models, and ultimately to decrease costs, the Specialist wants to reconfigure the input hyperparameter range(s).
Which visualization will accomplish this?
A. A histogram showing whether the most important input feature is Gaussian.
B. A scatter plot with points colored by target variable that uses t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) to visualize the large number of input variables in an easier-to-read dimension.
C. A scatter plot showing the performance of the objective metric over each training iteration.
D. A scatter plot showing the correlation between maximum tree depth and the objective metric.


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