Which of the following commands should the administrator execute to resolve the problem?

Joe, a user, is unable to log in to the server and contracts the systems administrator to look into the issue. The administrator examines the /etc/passwd file and discovers the following entry: joe:x:505:505::/home/joe:/bin/false
Which of the following commands should the administrator execute to resolve the problem?
A. usermod -s /bin/bash joe
B. passwd -u joe
C. useradd -s /bin/bash joe
D. chage -E -1 joe


3 thoughts on “Which of the following commands should the administrator execute to resolve the problem?

  1. the last field in /etc/passwd is the shell for given user. joe has /bin/false set, so he can’t access anything, as it is just a binary that immediately exits, returning false.

    to change this setting, the command “useradd -s” changes the default shell for user. so the option C is correct.

    1. sorry, it’s gonna be USERMOD, not USERADD. useradd will not work, it will show up an error “user joe already exists”.


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