What is true about the following command?

What is true about the following command? nmcli device wifi connect WIFIoI
A. NetworkManager opens a new public hotspot with the SSID WIFIoI.
B. NetworkManager creates an unconfigured new virtual network interface named WIFIoI.
C. NetworkManager creates a new wifi connection WIFIoI and activates it.
D. NetworkManager returns an error in case the connection WIFIoI does not exist.
E. NetworkManager returns an error because WIFIoI is an invalid wifi device.

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2 thoughts on “What is true about the following command?

  1. Right response
    D. NetworkManager returns an error in case the connection WIFIoI does not exist.

    $ nmcli device wifi connect WIFIoI
    Error: No Wi-Fi device found.

  2. Man nmcli

    wifi connect (B)SSID [password password] [wep-key-type {key | phrase}] [ifname ifname] [bssid BSSID] [name name] [private {yes | no}] [hidden {yes | no}] Connect to a Wi-Fi network specified by SSID or BSSID. The command finds a matching connection or creates one and then activates it on a device. This is a command-line counterpart of clicking an SSID in a GUI client. If a connection for the network already exists, it is possible to bring up (activate) the existing profile as follows: nmcli con up id name. Note that only open, WEP and WPA-PSK networks are supported if no previous connection exists. It is also assumed that IP configuration is obtained via DHCP.

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