Which setting provides the best security for a WLAN and authenticates users against a centralized directory store?

Which setting provides the best security for a WLAN and authenticates users against a centralized directory store?
A. WPA2 AES-CCMP and 801.X authentication
B. WPA2 AES-CCMP and PSK authentication
C. WPA2 TKIP and PSK authentication
D. WPA2 TKIP and 802.1X authentication


One thought on “Which setting provides the best security for a WLAN and authenticates users against a centralized directory store?

  1. In the context of wireless security this actually means TKIP vs. “AES-based CCMP” (not just AES).

    TKIP is a lower end encryption protocol (WEP2) and AES is a higher end (WPA2/802.11i) encryption protocol. AES is preferred

    Preference Summary

    To keep things simple, the best options, in decreasing order of preference, may be:

    WPA2 + AES

    WPA + AES (only if all devices support it).

    WPA + TKIP+AES (only if all devices can support it).

    WPA + TKIP

    Disabled (no security)


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