One thought on “Drag and Drop


    bridge transit delay (transit delay)—This value is the time that elapsed between the reception and the transmission of the same frame by the bridge. This is logically the latency through the bridge. The IEEE recommendation is to consider 1 sec as the maximum bridge transit delay.

    transmit halt delay (Tx_halt_delay)—This value is the maximum amount of time that is necessary for a bridge to effectively move a port into the blocking state after the determination that the port needs to be blocked. The IEEE recommendation is to use 1 sec for this parameter.

    medium access delay (med_access_delay)—This value is the time that is necessary for a device to gain access to the media for initial transmission. It is the time between the CPU decision to send a frame and the moment when the frame effectively begins to leave the bridge. The IEEE recommendation is to use 0.5 sec as the maximum time.

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