Which command prevents routers from sending routing updates through a router interface?

Which command prevents routers from sending routing updates through a router interface?
A. distribute-list in B. passive-interface
C. distribute-list out D. Other option


6 thoughts on “Which command prevents routers from sending routing updates through a router interface?

  1. Answer is C this is why:

    Long story short, in EIGRP with passive-interface you are blocking outgoing pt INCOMING + HELLO also, destroying the neighbor relationship.
    Is this what question want? NOP, it wants only to stop sending them so we need distribute-list out

    With most routing protocols, the passive-interface command restricts outgoing advertisements only. But, when used with Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), the effect is slightly different. This document demonstrates that use of the passive-interface command in EIGRP suppresses the exchange of hello packets between two routers, which results in the loss of their neighbor relationship. This stops not only routing updates from being advertised, but it also suppresses incoming routing updates. This document also discusses the configuration required in order to allow the suppression of outgoing routing updates, while it also allows incoming routing updates to be learned normally from the neighbor.

  2. B. Passive-Interface must be correct, If interface is passive-interface for RIP no sending update but receives update, as there is no Hello packet block.

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