When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story?

When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story?
A. After coding the story, but before user acceptance testing begins
B. After writing the story, but before coding begins
C. At the start of Product Backlog prioritization planning
D. After estimating the Product Backlog, but before Sprint planning begins

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5 thoughts on “When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story?

  1. When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story?
    As per PMchallenge Answer Questions the answer is B. After writing the story, but before coding begins

  2. “C” is the correct answer, because product backlog prioritization must take into consideration the acceptance criteria.

  3. Some background:

    User stories come to the Requirements Decomposition Process. Usually, at high level, it may come from this sequence: EPICs, FEATURES, USER STORIES, and then TASKs.

    Regarding to user stories, there is what is known as 3Cs, the primary items of a User Story: They are “CARD, CONVERSATION, CONFIRMATION” that captures the components of a User Story.

    “CONVERSATION” step aims to “SIZE” and “ESTIMATE” the story to development. After that, it is the “CONFIRMATION”. That is, acceptance criteria should be written by the product owner (the client) and, after that, it must be reviewed by the development team to make sure that the criteria are clearly understood.

    Thus, acceptance tests are small chunks of the decomposition process.

    It is done at start of iteration. So, at the iteration planning. Thus, before any piece of code be built. So, acceptance tests should be specified UPFRONT and NEVER after the development stage has been started.

    So, “After writing the story, but before coding begins” can be correct!

    Regarding to “Product Backlog prioritization planning” ?

    It is not well written, just because that the process explained above occurs at the decomposition of product backlog that is done at planning step, the sprint planning. There is no need to write all acceptance test at the begin of project, for all iterations, for all releases.

    The better way to say would be “When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story? At the sprint planning”

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