Which of the following would be BEST for the CISO to include in this year’s budget?

A newly hired Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is reviewing the organization’s security budget from the previous year. The CISO notices $100,000 worth of fines were paid for not properly encrypting outbound email messages. The CISO expects next year’s costs associated with fines to double and the volume of messages to increase by 100%. The organization sent out approximately 25,000 messages per year over the last three years. Given the table below:

Which of the following would be BEST for the CISO to include in this year’s budget?
A. A budget line for DLP Vendor A
B. A budget line for DLP Vendor B
C. A budget line for DLP Vendor C
D. A budget line for DLP Vendor D
E. A budget line for paying future fines

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7 thoughts on “Which of the following would be BEST for the CISO to include in this year’s budget?

  1. It is E. Everyone is missing that the fines are over 3 years and that they are only asking for next year’s budget. So the math is a lot easier: 100,000 / 3 = 33,000 for one year of fines. 33,000 x 2 = 66,000 for one year of fines that are doubled. This is cheaper than all of the other solutions for the first year.

    1. Where in the problem does it say the fines were paid over 3 years? I see that he was reviewing the budget from last year, which had $100K in fines, so $100K was paid last year. It’s supposed to double this year, meaning $200K. That makes it the most expensive solution. 3 of the other options come to $125K, so it would come down to MTBF cost-wise, making A the best choice.

      I’m not sure how E is the “Correct Answer”

  2. I think the way they worded “The CISO expects next year’s costs associated with fines to double ***and*** the volume of messages to increase by 100%.” Is saying that the fines will cost double AND the messages will double making it 4x the cost.
    With that I would assume the numbers would equal…

    A: 75 + 100 = 175K
    B: 48+200 = 248K
    C: 75+100 = 175K
    D: 100+50 = 150K
    E: 100x2x2 = 400K

    So I ended up with D… Any feedback on that? I feel that math I learned in highschool forever ago about breaking down the words into numbers…
    fines to double (x2) and the volume of messages to increase by 100% (x2).

    Any feedback on this? Plus I feel it gave an actual correct answer than the dual right answers since the question was about the budget and not security in here like the other questions have.

    1. I disagree with your interpretation of the question. I think the costs of the fines are going to double BECAUSE of the volume of messages doubling. Either way the math turns out to be the same.
      We know the current messages are 25,000 messages that are being doubled to 50,000
      A: cost per message is $1 * 50k = 50k
      B: is $2 * 50k = 100k
      C: is $1 * 50k = 50K
      D: is .50 * 50k = 25k
      install + hardware:
      A: 50k + 25k = 75k
      B: 38k + 10K = 48k
      C: 45k + 30K = 75K
      D: 40k + 60K = 100K

      Add the first and the second pieces together:
      A: 50k + 75K = 125K
      B: 100K + 48K = 148K
      C: 50K + 75K = 125K
      D: 25K + 100K = 125K

      A C and D tie in cost:
      MTBF comes into play:
      A has 10000
      C and D has 7000

      A is the better choice.

  3. 200k fine this year
    50k messages this year

    A. 75 + 50 = 125k
    B. 48 + 100 = 148k
    C. 75 + 50 = 125k
    D. 100 + 25 = 125k

    Option E (paying 200k) would be more expensive than all options, so it can be excluded.

    A, C and D have the same price. Option A has the biggest MTBF and throughput, so it would be my answer.

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