Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint?

Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint? (Choose two.)
A. The length of the Sprint should be proportional to the work that is done in between Sprints.
B. It is best to have Sprints of consistent length throughout a development effort.
C. Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should hold the time it will take to code the planned features in the upcoming Sprint, but does not include time for any testing.
D. Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should be long enough to make sure the Development Team can deliver what is to be accomplished in the upcoming Sprint.
E. All Sprints must be 1 month or less.

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9 thoughts on “Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint?

  1. I think BE too
    A. “The length of the Sprint should be proportional to the work that is done in between Sprints.” – This statement is not true. The length of a Sprint is fixed, and it doesn’t vary based on the work that is done in between Sprints. The work that is done in between Sprints (if any) is not a factor in determining Sprint length.

    B. “It is best to have Sprints of consistent length throughout a development effort.” – This is true. Consistent Sprint lengths provide rhythm and predictability, which can help the team establish a steady pace of work and make better forecasts.

    C. “Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should hold the time it will take to code the planned features in the upcoming Sprint, but does not include time for any testing.” – This is not true. The length of the Sprint is not determined during Sprint Planning; it is pre-determined and remains consistent. Additionally, a Sprint includes time for all activities necessary to create a potentially shippable product increment, including testing.

    D. “Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should be long enough to make sure the Development Team can deliver what is to be accomplished in the upcoming Sprint.” – The first part of this statement is incorrect. As mentioned, the length of a Sprint is pre-determined and does not change during Sprint Planning. However, the length should indeed be long enough for the team to deliver a potentially shippable product increment.

    E. “All Sprints must be 1 month or less.” – This is true. According to the Scrum Guide, a Sprint’s maximum length is one month. However, many teams choose shorter Sprint lengths, such as two weeks.

  2. C & D are wrong, Best place in my opinion to decide on Sprint Length is at any time and could also at the very first Sprint Planning , Once you are at Sprint Planning, the Sprint has already begun, and the length should already have been set, so I’ll go with B and E

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